Tooth Extraction: Reasons, Procedure, and After Care

Tooth Extraction: Reasons, Procedure, and After Care

Nov 01, 2021

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that involves pulling out a tooth.It is a simple procedure if the tooth is visible but more involved when it is impacted or broken below the surface. An impacted tooth will require minor surgery to extract.

Any teeth, including the third set of molars located in the back of the mouth, known as wisdom teeth, can be extracted. The dentist near me performs this outpatient procedure after administering a local anesthetic, IV sedation, or under general anesthesia. The anesthesia ensures that you are comfortable and feel no pain during the procedure.

Why Are Teeth Extracted?

You may require a tooth extractions near me due to some of the following reasons:

  1. Excessive tooth decay affects the tooth pulp
  2. An infection in the tooth that cannot be cured or corrected
  3. A crowded mouth that leaves no space for new teeth to erupt
  4. After severe dental trauma that damages the tooth to the roots
  5. During orthodontic treatment to make room for the other teeth to shift into the required place
  6. During chemotherapy or before an organ transplant, the compromised teeth are removed to keep the mouth healthy and reduce the risk of infection

Wisdom teeth may be taken out if:

  • They are trapped(impacted) in the jawbone and cannot come out normally
  • You are unable to brush or floss them properly, and they get cavities or gum disease
  • Your jaw has no room for the molars because your mouth is small
  • They press against your other teeth due to coming in at a wrong angle

Tooth Extraction Procedure

Adequate preparations that involve x-rays of the affected tooth are carried out before the procedurefor tooth extraction at St. Cloud, MN. In addition, the Sauk Rapids dentist will ask concerning the medications you take and existing medical conditions for a safe and quality treatment.

Tooth extraction by the dentist near you may either be a simple or a surgical procedure. A simple extraction needs a local anesthetic to numb the area near the tooth to be extracted. The procedure is painless. You will feel some pressure as the tooth is loosened and removed using dental instruments.

A surgical extraction is carried out for impacted teeth or teeth that have broken below the gum line. Both local and intravenous anesthesia is administered before the procedure to keep you calm and relaxed.

Patients with dental phobia or ongoing medical conditions may require general anesthesia to keep them unconscious throughout the process. First, the dentist will make a tiny incision into the gum to remove the tooth. For an impacted tooth, the gum and bone tissue that covers the tooth are cut away then the tooth is grasped using forceps and removed.

If necessary, the gum over the extraction area will be stitched using self-dissolving sutures. Then, a gauze pad is placed into the socket to stop bleeding and aid in forming a clot.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

After a successful tooth extraction at St. Cloud, MN, you will require to follow some steps to ensure that you recover fast without any complications. They include:

  1. Bite the gauze pad placed by the dentist in the extracted area firmly but gently. This reduces bleeding and allows the formation of a clot in the tooth socket. Leave the pad in place for 3-4 hours or until it is soaked.
  2. Apply a cold compress to the cheek close to the site as soon as possible after the extraction to reduce swelling. Use it for periods of ten minutes.
  3. Take the prescribed antibiotics and painkillers to prevent infections and ease the pain.
  4. Brush and floss as usual 24 hours after extraction but avoid the treated site.
  5. Prepare a solution of salt and warm water.Mix a half-teaspoon of salt with eight ounces of water and use it to rinse out your mouth for a week after meals.
  6. Do not smoke, as it will inhibit healing.

Dos and don’ts within 24 hours after the extraction

  1. Prop your head up using a pillow when you lie down so that the bleeding is not prolonged.
  2. Rinse your mouth using mouthwash but do not brush or floss.
  3. Relax and avoid strenuous activities. Ease the transition into your routine after 24 hours.
  4. Drink from a cup or bottle but do not use a straw as it may dislodge the clot.
  5. Don’t rinse or spit forcefully so that the clot formed in the socket does not dislodge as bleeding will restart.
  6. Eat only soft foods such as pudding, yogurt, or applesauce.

Make an appointment at Smile City for safe and quality tooth extractions.

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